
Understanding HTTP Functions and Working Methods and HTTP Weaknesses

Understanding the function and how http works - Every time we surf the internet , of course we type a website address. In the website address at the beginning of the address will appear the words http. Then what is meant by http? What is http like? So, in this discussion, we will discuss what is meant by http. Starting from the understanding of http hypertext transfer protocol , the understanding of http according to experts, the function of hypertext transfer protocol (http), how http works and the weaknesses of the http protocol. For friends who don't know what hypertext transfer protocol is, see the following explanation of what hypertext transfer protocol means.

Definition of http Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Http stands for hypertext transfer protocol. Understanding http is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative and hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the basis of www (world wide web) data communication in the form of structured text using hyperlinks (logical links) between nodes containing text. With this facility, you can access information from a website written in HTML . Information that you can get through these facilities include: text, images, sound, movies, and others.

Understanding HTTP Functions and Working Methods and HTTP Weaknesses

Or the definition of hypertext transfer protocol, namely the definition of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), which is a protocol that functions to request and answer between client and server. An HTTP client, such as a web browser , initiates a request by establishing a TCP/IP connection to a specified port on a remote site (usually port 80). Whereas an HTTP server listening on that port waits for the client to send a request code which will request the specified page, followed by a MIME message that has some header information describing aspects of the request, followed by the body of the specified data .

HTTP communicates over TCP/IP. HTTP clients connect to HTTP servers using TCP. After establishing the connection, the client can send HTTP request messages to the server. HTTP is used to send requests from web clients (browsers) to web servers, returning web content (web pages) from servers to clients. Although HTTP is one of the most popular application protocols for TCP/IP over the Internet, it is not limited to use with TCP/IP.

Understanding http according to experts

The following are some definitions of http according to experts:

Understanding http according to Oxford Dictionaries , that http is the data transfer protocol used on the www (World Wide Web).

Understanding http according to Wikipedia , http is an application protocol used for distributed, collaborative and hypermedia information systems. http is the basis of data communication for www (World Wide Web).

Understanding http according to , states that http is a set of rules for transferring files in the form of text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files on the www (World Wide Web). Http is an application protocol that runs on top of the TCP/IP protocol suite which is the basic protocol for the internet.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) Functions

What does the hypertext transfer protocol (http) function like? http function is to connect one computer to another computer through an internet network connection. Http is likened to a command to be run on each computer in order to send messages.

In addition, http also functions in determining how data or messages can be transmitted or formatted into other forms that can be accepted by the browser . So that all the data that the client wants can be displayed or accessed. So http will appear on a website when we open the website on the internet. That's because the website service uses the http protocol, and now some are using https so that it can run.

How http works

The way http works is basically quite simple. When a user opens a website through a browser, http will connect the user to www and a resource known as a url (Please read about: understanding URL ).

After that http will enter the protocol using TCP / IP, then display the data obtained in a browser. After that the user can view the website and its contents through the browser.

Understanding Functions and How HTTP Works

The workings of the http protocol in brief in data transmission can be described as follows:

The http client will establish a connection and send a document request to the web server.

After that the http server processes the request and the http client waits for a response.

The web server responds to requests with a data status code and closes the connection when processing the request is complete.

Weaknesses of the HTTP Protocol

Even though the http protocol is widely used for website addresses, including company websites, it should be noted that there are some disadvantages when using the http protocol, the following are weaknesses or deficiencies in using http:

Security is not guaranteed

Now there are many websites with http domains that are used for fraud, damage or spread viruses. Many irresponsible people use the http protocol to do things that harm other people, for example for lottery fraud, job vacancy fraud, as a means of transferring viruses and others. So that http is not suitable for use as a website address for a company because it can make the credibility of the company or business less trusted by users. Currently, many internet users prefer to surf websites with the https domain.

Vulnerable from the spread of the virus

Media on http is very vulnerable and vulnerable to the spread of various dangerous viruses that can harm internet users, especially on media blogs. If the web that uses http is attacked by a virus, it will destroy the network automatically. The level of http vulnerability that can be infected with a virus can be considered quite high.

Unencrypted data

Encryption or data security in the http protocol is still not guaranteed. This can be proven from vital websites such as internet banking, online shops and government websites which must have used https instead of http. The reason it is better to use https than http is because http cannot do authentication, data integrity and data confidentiality like the https protocol.

This is the explanation that we can provide about the meaning of function and how http works . We hope that what we write on the blog will find this understanding useful for all of us.


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